Monthly Archives: February 2016

Hope after…. 

The start to 2016 has been tough. We try to see the start of a new year as new beginnings, resolutions. When loved ones pass over it hurts. It’s sad, it’s unfair, it’s unjust. Somethings are expected. Others out if the blue. One can feel one is surrounded by ongoing sad events. Wondering if one could have tried harder to prevent things. The Universe’s blueprint for destiny and fate can at times seem cruel. No one here gets out alive in body. Our spirit travels through body, time, the ether. It adventures through lives. With amnesia in each one. Past life regression can tap into these. Flashes, Deja vu. Dreams, meditation. Your are not alone. Your journey is full of helpers, guides, experience, lessons. You are the driver. You may be able to choose a different direction at your crossroads. You wake up in a fresh morning with blue skies and breathe in Bliss. Everything feels calm, good, hopeful. 


Do what you are drawn to. Meditate on indecision. We can all become trapped in toxic relationships and situations. Look at positive ways to change that. Ask the Angels for help and guidance. 

I find some of my clients enter with a sense of fear with the weight of the world upon their shoulders. 
I’m so grateful when I find out happiness or success has arisen from helping. Or just some needed answers. It does feel genuinely good to help. Otherwise I really wouldn’t be doing it. The world can seem dark and dreary. Sometimes you’ve just got to open your eyes and look again in the right direction to see its light and beauty. 

~ Angela 

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