Monthly Archives: November 2018

Worldwide Tarot Skype & Webcam Readings With Angela Barker

Angela Barker Tarot Reader, Guided By Spirits is Worldwide. Even if you are half a world away. Or prefer a Tarot reading from home or a hotel. I can accommodate different time zone for your convenience.

Read my 5 star reviews 

You can book a Skype or Webcam (such as Facebook Messenger) Reading with Angela.

To arrange a Skype reading. Please make sure you have a free account set up. You will be asked to pay via PayPal. Readings last between 30 minutes to approximately 1 hour.

Contact Angela +44 07887490203


Recuperate & Re-energise

We all need to recharge. It’s been a busy year. I recently travelled to Wales to embrace its beauty and inspiration.

It’s really important to keep the balance and look after and invest in ones happiness. It’s very easy to let things get out of control. This wild ride can be scary, but also lead to a great adventure too.

Can you relate to the following? Neglect your wellbeing, become overwhelmed, overworked, exhausted, unhappy, unmotivated. Anxiety is the worry worm that can create so much suffering. This could lead to a number of issues in life, love, health, productivity, hope. Alone in a room full of people, alone in an empty room. When the dark never sees the dawn break. In a clear blue sky. The storm clouds linger. Depression can rear itself in lives that tick boxes of contentment and success. A smile can hide that Oscar Winner facade of hurt, confusion, despair. Pressure and stress creeps oh so thoroughly. If we don’t take action and learn how to deal with it and speak up. With the correct support. Whether that be a Doctor, Therapy, Diet, Sleep, Holistic Treatments, Meditation etc. These journeys that lead to answers, treatments, coping with life changing events to life changing good things. Can we work out all of our problems?  I’ve witnessed the darkness, cushioned the fall after the climb. I’ve strengthened and helped nourish the roots that then slowly grow and blossom into the most beautiful thing. That doesn’t make me a heroine. It makes me human.

Money, fame, success for some. But how do you really measure wealth and appreciate happiness? The bottom line. Be grateful every day. Waking up to the wonder is a privilege. The Earth, Tree, Sky, Air, Sea… Just embrace and be who you always wanted to be. Follow your bliss. Don’t walk the path of others if it is not your own. Listen to your intuition.

A quick mention about Lizian events

Liz, Ian and team have been a great support to me. The community has inspired me and I feel privileged to be part of it.

We all can make the best of our lives. If it was easy, we’d all be doing it. Is it the journey, not so much the destination sometimes that we are most grateful for in hindsight?



Our Samhain Celebration. When the veil between is thinnest. We honour our loved ones and Ancestors.

Videos by Earth Tree Healing Productions

Angela Barker Tarot Reader