Blog Archives

A Tarot Reader in Lockdown

In 2019 I jumped into the spiritual realm full time. I quit a part time day job and fully embraced being full time self employed.  I was very busy with Tarot readings, wellbeing shows, Pagan festivals, with my other business Fenix Flames, also managing a band and my partners music Earth Tree Healing.

Life was good, maybe neglecting taking more time out for myself. But with my drive to succeed, to do good and help others, with self employment comes sacrifice.

We had a 2020 booked up, a holiday planned. Saving up for a big holiday in 2021.

New year’s Eve 2019 was an enjoyable and refreshing/ sobering group gong bath and Cacao ceremony, whilst suffering a nasty virus. (???) Then. Rumours, new reporting of a new virus spreading… and… well unless you don’t read the news. You know the rest. I’m so, so sorry if you have lost love ones, family, friends, colleagues as a result of the Covid-19 virus.

From March 23rd 2020. My readings and work virtually stopped. 40 booked up appointments disappeared, with people understandably feeling uncertain about their financial situation and struggling. I didn’t and don’t qualify for any benefits or grants, set up by the government to help self employed people, as I was working part time in 2018-2019 tax returns. My partner also apparently earns too much. – Not enough to cover rent and food though. Yes we were up shit creek along with many others, with a UK Government, that will be dissected for many years to come about its actions and inactions.

In some ways my partner and I have always prepped for a ‘zombie apocalypse’ and isolation. So our dry food cupboards were already fully stocked, cat food and toilet roll being always at a substantial amount. There has been dark days, anxiety days, but never doubt that we would be ok and get through this. Switching the news off, not feeding negativity with doom and gloom. There is much value and reward in focusing on the good, helping and supporting others where we can, laughter, keeping safe and social distancing any interactions. Planning the future. Doing podcasts with the wonderful Ian Timothy at LizianEvents has been insightful, hilarious and long may it continue.   So….

At this point I had to adapt to a different way of working. I took my workshops online and had to push harder for online tarot readings. Reassuring my clients that I can connect exactly the same, as face to face. I tune into your spirit guides, spirits/ passed over loved ones give me messages. Lots of positive feedback too.


Because of my ability to adapt and make changes in my working life. I believe the universe had provided. It has given us just enough to survive, which I am very, very grateful for. I’d like to thank all of my clients for believing in me. Providing me with the sustainability to continue helping others. Keeping this self employed person continuing through the struggles.

I am giving back through these time with free live guided meditations with Earth Tree Healing Music via my Angela Barker Facebook Page on a Tuesday evening. Monthly live online free readings event. Supporting my clients where I can.

Watch me live and tuning in here >

Watch here Live free one card Tarot readings & messages for spirit.  

I hope you are all staying safe and well. Look at the true potential in ‘you’ for when we get though this. Stay positive, stay happy, we will get through this together and you probably need a bit of a haircut… 

PS massive shout out to The Real Milk Company in Halam. Excelling in kindness, milk, produce, treats for our weekly shop.

– Angela 



Angela Barker in Conversation — LizianEvents News

Angela Barker in Conversation – Todays podcast is a general talk show. Angela is a great thinker, she is a great conversationalist and her opinions and ideas will offer many diverse seeds of thought. Later in the podcast Ian and Ange talk about mediumistic ideas and Tarot and mystical messages. Toward the end of the conversation…

via Angela Barker in Conversation — LizianEvents News

Worldwide Tarot Skype & Webcam Readings With Angela Barker

Angela Barker Tarot Reader, Guided By Spirits is Worldwide. Even if you are half a world away. Or prefer a Tarot reading from home or a hotel. I can accommodate different time zone for your convenience.

Read my 5 star reviews 

You can book a Skype or Webcam (such as Facebook Messenger) Reading with Angela.

To arrange a Skype reading. Please make sure you have a free account set up. You will be asked to pay via PayPal. Readings last between 30 minutes to approximately 1 hour.

Contact Angela +44 07887490203


Herbal Incense Workshop 11th September

Angela will be running a Herbal Incense Workshop at Pure Aroma in Netherfield, Nottingham. 11th September 2018. Facebook event here


You are very welcome to attend. £12 each. This workshop is lots of fun, including making your own magical incense and a mojo bag which you will be taking home with you. If interested in this please contact the shop direct 0115 837 9478 or send a message. 8 Meadow Road, Netherfield, NG4 2FF

Making Choices – The Pursuit of Happy

Last year, I was working all hours in a managerial job, that promised the world but delivered misery.. That pursuit of financial stability and ‘abundance!’ I was miserable, stressed out, exhausted, irritable, felt victimized. I then made a choice. I resigned from the corporate rat race and went off to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. A fantastic adventure.

Blogs here:

Upon my return. I started a part time job in Pagan/Wicca sales in a shop and began to really pursue my tarot reading business. My passion is helping others. Yes I need to pay the bills. There are times of struggles. I also like a treat, a good gig, cheese, Rugby and adventuring. But you know what? I’m grateful for everything I have. My family, my friends, loved ones, pets.

When you sit on a bench looking out at the lake, watching the sunrise..with a flask of tea. Life is good.




This week I ran a Herbal Incense workshop at Rainbow Bridge in Castle Donington. Big thanks to my friend and ‘Yoda’ Sally Wathen. Who has taught me so much. Crystal Healing, Kinesiology, Hopi Ear Candling. 



Being around positive folk is inspiring. Turning a card, getting its message, my guides advice, sharing knowledge. Going to events, talks, meeting spiritual minded folk. Finding answers, guidance, love, happiness, things. I sought, I asked, I am grateful.. I get. Things can be turned around. We can all be in pretty dark places, sometimes feel there are no answers. The risk is too scary or seems unobtainable. But if you don’t try..You will never know. Do you work to live or live to work. “Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.” “By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich.” – Democritus

“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

The pursuit of happy.


Have a great adventure.



The Blue Room, Wales.




TWITTER @angela_tarot






Hopes, Dreams..2018

What is your universal wish list? Did you get what you wanted so far?

Is everything going your way? Do you feel good about the present and future. We cant change the past. But we can learn to deal with it better. We can ask the right questions and gain the answers we need. We can ask the wrong questions and the universe will give you the answers you need. 2017. I met more inspiring souls. I also hope I helped a few along the way.

What is on your 2018 shopping list?







Good health





To be safe

Good times














What do you really want?

Do you concentrate on the bad? Or do you retrain your thoughts and emotions with the good?

Its very easy to concentrate on all of the bad things. If you are surrounded by negativity. The Challenge is to change this. No one said it would be easy. A musician does not become a brilliant musician if they don’t practice. You may not always win at Monopoly. You may flip the board and storm off in a rage. How often do you visualize that win. Not the want. But seeing yourself already the winner?

When you wake up. Is it a ‘Poor me’ day or is it. This is the day when I make a positive change?

Upon our walls is this (inspired by Tony Robbins – Thank you)

1. 3 minutes of gratitude. Think about  3 things I’m really grateful for.

2. 3 minute prayer for  family,  friends,  

3. 3 minute process of top 3 things I want to accomplish.


All that we are is a result of what we have thought.
– Buddha

Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
—Burton Hills

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
– Napoleon Hill

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.
– Gandhi

The entire universe is a great theatre of mirrors.
– Alice Bailey

These quotes, advice is written on life’s walls. Yet still folk ignore. It is the map to happiness. It could be your life’s work.

I want to open a retreat.  In 2017 quit the corporate job that stressed me out and took all of my time, I am happy. We have begun the process to get to our goal. We have visualized the goal. That goal is already accomplished.

I want to help. The greater good is the greater reward. When the upset, grieving sorrow hurts. When you have lost your way. It sit your fear of failure, or fear of effort. When your past controls your present and future. I can help. You can help yourself too. Just ask. Don’t give up.




Tarot Reader – An Insiders Guide 2016!

I appreciate all the good feedback, rates and reviews. It proves I’m doing what I set out to do. Use my gifts to genuinely help others. It also makes good business sense 😉 Even though I discovered my talent from attending a short course (showed me ‘book read’ readings) that really did ‘open the doors of perception for me.’ I see visions in the cards. So yes. In effect 3 people could pick the same Tarot card but I would see different things.
 I hope my clients have a helpful and good experience. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that all men are ‘bas***ds’ and you will win the lottery. That’s amateur stuff the business orientated ‘professionals’ will tell you to gain a regular visit and ruin your day. Often depressing you more. 
If I can perform a reading, help and never see you again. Then I’ve done what is needed. A smile, sighs of relent, tears of truths the no one but you knows. The weight of your world lifted. Not bad for around an hours work. 

Is Tarot reading a form of counselling?  Yes it is in some ways. Is also classed as entertainment. Some people fear, some embrace. I try to reassure. The afterlife is real. But you of courseware entitled to your opinion. Tarot is not just about futures. The card show me past, present, options. The cross roads. Choices. They are not a judgement. 

The spirits that sometimes come through to me can also offer advice, closure, peace. 

Strive for your dreams, don’t settle for unhappiness. Help is available if you investigate different avenues. Not everything works everybody. Don’t ever give up on love. 

Find your feathers with Angels and Rainbows. 

Find me on Facebook Angela Barker a Tarot



~ Angela