Blog Archives

Angela Barker Tarot featured on Elena Bateman’s YouTube

8 mins 19 seconds. You can watch parts of Angela’s intuitive Tarot Reading for Elena.

Recuperate & Re-energise

We all need to recharge. It’s been a busy year. I recently travelled to Wales to embrace its beauty and inspiration.

It’s really important to keep the balance and look after and invest in ones happiness. It’s very easy to let things get out of control. This wild ride can be scary, but also lead to a great adventure too.

Can you relate to the following? Neglect your wellbeing, become overwhelmed, overworked, exhausted, unhappy, unmotivated. Anxiety is the worry worm that can create so much suffering. This could lead to a number of issues in life, love, health, productivity, hope. Alone in a room full of people, alone in an empty room. When the dark never sees the dawn break. In a clear blue sky. The storm clouds linger. Depression can rear itself in lives that tick boxes of contentment and success. A smile can hide that Oscar Winner facade of hurt, confusion, despair. Pressure and stress creeps oh so thoroughly. If we don’t take action and learn how to deal with it and speak up. With the correct support. Whether that be a Doctor, Therapy, Diet, Sleep, Holistic Treatments, Meditation etc. These journeys that lead to answers, treatments, coping with life changing events to life changing good things. Can we work out all of our problems?  I’ve witnessed the darkness, cushioned the fall after the climb. I’ve strengthened and helped nourish the roots that then slowly grow and blossom into the most beautiful thing. That doesn’t make me a heroine. It makes me human.

Money, fame, success for some. But how do you really measure wealth and appreciate happiness? The bottom line. Be grateful every day. Waking up to the wonder is a privilege. The Earth, Tree, Sky, Air, Sea… Just embrace and be who you always wanted to be. Follow your bliss. Don’t walk the path of others if it is not your own. Listen to your intuition.

A quick mention about Lizian events

Liz, Ian and team have been a great support to me. The community has inspired me and I feel privileged to be part of it.

We all can make the best of our lives. If it was easy, we’d all be doing it. Is it the journey, not so much the destination sometimes that we are most grateful for in hindsight?



Our Samhain Celebration. When the veil between is thinnest. We honour our loved ones and Ancestors.

Videos by Earth Tree Healing Productions

Angela Barker Tarot Reader

Lizian Events Lincolnshire Well Being Show

Last weekend. I was given the opportunity by Lizian Events to do Tarot readings at their Lincolnshire Well Being Show. The Epic Center certainly was Epic. Excited and nervous, this was by first big show. I want sure what to expect. Would I be able to focus surrounded by people? Would people book in with me? I learnt very quickly. Table manners. You simply can’t sit back and expect people to come to you, you need to interact, approach but not encroach and be friendly. Don’t get offended when people say no. What I do is not for everyone.

I don’t see others doing the same sort of service as competition (that just brings out the worst in people, exhibiting ‘poor me’ behaviours of ego, bitterness, reputation tittle tattle, jealousy and greed) there is.. dear readers.. No need or ultimate benefit. There is enough business, clients and opportunities out there for all. I walk my path with love and light. I was given gifts and I use them to help others. I had a great time and a busy weekend! Branching out and networking has been a positive and valuable experience.  The community members have made me feel so welcome and have had lots of giggles with. I met new clients as the passed by my stall. Giving them a reading and helping  them, I hope has been valuable. I aim to do many more shows. My sails have caught the breeze.

Angela Barker Tarot Lizian Events Community Profile.

There is much reward in these event for all. From the talks, variety of products and services offered. A great community spirit. I do enjoy Lizian events as a visitor too. Always interesting talks and workshops. I’ve been introduced to products that I would not normally have even looked at before. Explored Meditations, old ways, new ways, beliefs, techniques and so on.  Lots of benefits.  Big thanks to Liz and Ian. They are both supportive, wise, know what they are doing and are lovely honest people.  Big thank you to the helpers too at Lincolnshire showground and not forgetting the visitors. I’ve walked away with a renewed sense of.. ‘yes’ I did the right thing going part time self-employed. It’s hard work. But satisfying.


Hopes, Dreams..2018

What is your universal wish list? Did you get what you wanted so far?

Is everything going your way? Do you feel good about the present and future. We cant change the past. But we can learn to deal with it better. We can ask the right questions and gain the answers we need. We can ask the wrong questions and the universe will give you the answers you need. 2017. I met more inspiring souls. I also hope I helped a few along the way.

What is on your 2018 shopping list?







Good health





To be safe

Good times














What do you really want?

Do you concentrate on the bad? Or do you retrain your thoughts and emotions with the good?

Its very easy to concentrate on all of the bad things. If you are surrounded by negativity. The Challenge is to change this. No one said it would be easy. A musician does not become a brilliant musician if they don’t practice. You may not always win at Monopoly. You may flip the board and storm off in a rage. How often do you visualize that win. Not the want. But seeing yourself already the winner?

When you wake up. Is it a ‘Poor me’ day or is it. This is the day when I make a positive change?

Upon our walls is this (inspired by Tony Robbins – Thank you)

1. 3 minutes of gratitude. Think about  3 things I’m really grateful for.

2. 3 minute prayer for  family,  friends,  

3. 3 minute process of top 3 things I want to accomplish.


All that we are is a result of what we have thought.
– Buddha

Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
—Burton Hills

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
– Napoleon Hill

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.
– Gandhi

The entire universe is a great theatre of mirrors.
– Alice Bailey

These quotes, advice is written on life’s walls. Yet still folk ignore. It is the map to happiness. It could be your life’s work.

I want to open a retreat.  In 2017 quit the corporate job that stressed me out and took all of my time, I am happy. We have begun the process to get to our goal. We have visualized the goal. That goal is already accomplished.

I want to help. The greater good is the greater reward. When the upset, grieving sorrow hurts. When you have lost your way. It sit your fear of failure, or fear of effort. When your past controls your present and future. I can help. You can help yourself too. Just ask. Don’t give up.




Angela Barker Tarot

Welcome to Angela Barker Tarot.

I’m an intuitive Tarot Reader based in Nottingham. Guided by Spirits. I’ve been reading cards for a number of years, with many satisfied clients. I serve international clients in Italy, Cuba, Colombia, France, Australia, Chile…

Yell reviews

I offer individual readings, Tarot parties, Skype and webcam readings, events appearances, taster readings at events, pamper parties and corporate readings. I can travel to you for a reading. Please read my reviews and recommendations. Bookings by appointment only. (Please note; I have adequate security measures in place and a chaperone)

I also offer: Spirit Home and Business clearances, Crystal Healing, Kinesiology, Herbal Incense, Spell work and guided meditations.

Also available: Guided meditations by Angela. New Age and instrumental music by ‘Earth Tree Healing’ available on digital stores.

Please see my website for full details.

I’m based in Nottingham. I can also travel to you for a small fee.

My reviews on Yell

I’m available for private readings and parties (between 5 – 8 people) I can arrange additional Tarot readers for larger events.

You can book me by calling +44 07887490203


Opening Hours: Weekdays 2:30pm-10pm

Weekends 9:00am-10pm

Enlight23 (1)



Tarot Reader – An Insiders Guide 2016!

I appreciate all the good feedback, rates and reviews. It proves I’m doing what I set out to do. Use my gifts to genuinely help others. It also makes good business sense 😉 Even though I discovered my talent from attending a short course (showed me ‘book read’ readings) that really did ‘open the doors of perception for me.’ I see visions in the cards. So yes. In effect 3 people could pick the same Tarot card but I would see different things.
 I hope my clients have a helpful and good experience. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that all men are ‘bas***ds’ and you will win the lottery. That’s amateur stuff the business orientated ‘professionals’ will tell you to gain a regular visit and ruin your day. Often depressing you more. 
If I can perform a reading, help and never see you again. Then I’ve done what is needed. A smile, sighs of relent, tears of truths the no one but you knows. The weight of your world lifted. Not bad for around an hours work. 

Is Tarot reading a form of counselling?  Yes it is in some ways. Is also classed as entertainment. Some people fear, some embrace. I try to reassure. The afterlife is real. But you of courseware entitled to your opinion. Tarot is not just about futures. The card show me past, present, options. The cross roads. Choices. They are not a judgement. 

The spirits that sometimes come through to me can also offer advice, closure, peace. 

Strive for your dreams, don’t settle for unhappiness. Help is available if you investigate different avenues. Not everything works everybody. Don’t ever give up on love. 

Find your feathers with Angels and Rainbows. 

Find me on Facebook Angela Barker a Tarot



~ Angela 

Welcome To Angela Barker Tarot

Welcome to Angela Barker Tarot.

Angela Barker

Angela Barker