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What Does Lockdown Mean For You and Tarot Readings?

What does Lockdown mean for you and Tarot Readings?

Well. If you have access to the internet, social media such as Facetime, Skype or Zoom. You are in luck.

Over the course of this pandemic and some pretty horrific months for you. I’ve been doing more and more online readings. With brief windows of ‘allowed ‘ face to face (PPE and safe socially distanced) readings.

·         Q: Are readings the same online as face to face?

·         A: Yes. They are the same. I also tune into you spirit guides. My Tarot cards and crystal ball are a tool. I’m intuitive and clairvoyant. Connection is spirit is not limited to a room.

And yes sometimes I’ll tell you things you may not agree with. Sometime truth hurts. Sometimes people don’t want to hear what they are being told. Generally and wonderfully my clients appreciate my readings.

There is much ado about being honest and helping people providing this service to you. If a psychic phone subscription does it for you and gives you what you wanted, promises the world and its riches or true love…fabulous for you.

Do you seek confirmation that yes… your boss is a tosser and yes if you try you will get a new job. Very few get anywhere in life sulking, doing the ‘poor me’ or procrastinating. Some need help medical, spiritual, emotional TLC and support, ears to listen. A boost to help you.

What do we all truly want? To be happy, healthy, loved, to love, alone, not alone. Treated right- are you, are you staying and putting up with unhappiness because it is convenient? Do you want to feel and experience, be reassured? Do you want to stop feeling the way you do? Do you need to offload? Are things just a bit blah and melancholy – is there light at the end of the tunnel. (being  a psychic medium –I can assure you there is actually!)  

We are all on own journey in the life. Some of it is shared, parts is a solo quest. Trust you own gut instincts?

You know where I am and how to contact me.

Stay sensible. Be a good citizen. Seek laughter – it heals and helps troubled times.


Don’t forget to check out my online workshops, events and shows.

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Lizian Events Lincolnshire Well Being Show

Last weekend. I was given the opportunity by Lizian Events to do Tarot readings at their Lincolnshire Well Being Show. The Epic Center certainly was Epic. Excited and nervous, this was by first big show. I want sure what to expect. Would I be able to focus surrounded by people? Would people book in with me? I learnt very quickly. Table manners. You simply can’t sit back and expect people to come to you, you need to interact, approach but not encroach and be friendly. Don’t get offended when people say no. What I do is not for everyone.

I don’t see others doing the same sort of service as competition (that just brings out the worst in people, exhibiting ‘poor me’ behaviours of ego, bitterness, reputation tittle tattle, jealousy and greed) there is.. dear readers.. No need or ultimate benefit. There is enough business, clients and opportunities out there for all. I walk my path with love and light. I was given gifts and I use them to help others. I had a great time and a busy weekend! Branching out and networking has been a positive and valuable experience.  The community members have made me feel so welcome and have had lots of giggles with. I met new clients as the passed by my stall. Giving them a reading and helping  them, I hope has been valuable. I aim to do many more shows. My sails have caught the breeze.

Angela Barker Tarot Lizian Events Community Profile.

There is much reward in these event for all. From the talks, variety of products and services offered. A great community spirit. I do enjoy Lizian events as a visitor too. Always interesting talks and workshops. I’ve been introduced to products that I would not normally have even looked at before. Explored Meditations, old ways, new ways, beliefs, techniques and so on.  Lots of benefits.  Big thanks to Liz and Ian. They are both supportive, wise, know what they are doing and are lovely honest people.  Big thank you to the helpers too at Lincolnshire showground and not forgetting the visitors. I’ve walked away with a renewed sense of.. ‘yes’ I did the right thing going part time self-employed. It’s hard work. But satisfying.
